71) Schär S, Talavera G, Dapporto L, Bruschini C, Dinca V, Beza-Beza C, Wiegmann BM, Taheri A, Pape T, Vila R (2025). Blow fly larvae socially integrate termite nests through morphological and chemical mimicry. Current Biology 35, 1-7 [Link] 70) Reich M*, Shipilina D*, Talla V, Bahleman F, Kébé K, Berger JL, Backström N, Talavera G, Bataille CP (2025). Isotope geolocation and population genomics in Vanessa cardui: Short- and long-distance migrants are genetically undifferentiated. PNAS Nexus 4(2) pgae886 [Link] 69) Reich MS, Ghouri S, Zabudsky S, Hu L, Le Corre M, Ng'iru I, Benyamini D, Shipilina D, Collins SC, Margins DJ, Vila R, Talavera G, Bataille CP. (2024). Trans-Saharan migratory patterns in Vanessa cardui and evidence for a southward leapfrog migration. iScience 27(12), 111342 [Link] 68) Dapporto L, Menchetti M, Dinca V, Talavera G, García-Berro G, D'Ercole J, Hebert PDN, Vila R. (2024). The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages for West Palearctic butterflies. 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Pollen metabarcoding reveals the origin and multigenerational migratory pathway of an intercontinental-scale butterfly outbreak. Current Biology 34(12),2684-2692 [Link] 63) Gorki JL*, Suchan T*, Talavera G. (2024). Protocol to sequence markers from pollen grains carried by long-range migratory butterflies using metabarcoding. STAR*Protocols 5(3):103012 [Link] 62) Marques V, Hinojosa JC, Dapporto L, Talavera G, Stefanescu C, Gutiérrez D, Vila R. (2024). The opposed forces of differentiation and admixture across glacial cycles in the butterfly Aglais urticae. Molecular Ecology, 33(7), e17304 [Link] 61) Orteu A, Kucka M, Katili E, Ngumbao C, Gordon IJ, Ng'iru I, van der Heijden E, Talavera G, Warren IA, Collins S, ffrench-Constant R, Martins DJ, Chan YF, Jiggins CD, Martin SH. (2024). Transposable element insertions are associated with Batesian mimicry in the pantropical butterfly Hypolimnas misippus. 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DOI: 10.22541/au.167827909.99815237/v1 51) Bruschini C, Edwards ED, Talavera G, Vaurasi VD, Latu GF, Dapporto L. (2023). A complete COI library of Samoan butterflies reveals layers of endemic diversity on oceanic islands. Zoologica scripta. 52(4), 315-330 [Link] 50) Lindroos EE, Bataille CP, Holder PW, Talavera G, Reich MS. (2023). Temporal stability of δ2H in insect tissues: Implications for isotope-based geographic assignments. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11. [Link] 49) Reich MS, Kindra M, Dargent F, Hu L, Flockhart DTT, Norris DR, Kharouba H, Talavera G, Bataille CP. (2023). Metals and metal isotopes in insect wings: Implications for diet, geolocation and pollution exposure. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 [Link] 48) García-Berro A, Talla V, Vila R, Kar Wai H, Shipilina D, Chan KG, Pierce N, Backström N, Talavera G. (2022). Migratory behavior is positively associated with genetic diversity in butterflies. 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[Link] [Link to Atlas Book] 44) Toro-Delgado E, Hernández-Roldán J, Dinca V, Vicente JC, Shaw MR, Quicke DLJ, Voda R, Albercht M, Fernández-Triana J, Vidiella B, Valverde S, Dapporto L, Hebert PDN, Talavera G, Vila R. (2022). Butterfly-parasitoid-hostplant interactions in Western Palearctic Hesperiidae: a DNA barcoding reference library. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 196(2), zlac052 [Link] 43) López-Mañas R*, Pascual-Díaz JP*, García-Berro A, Bahleman F, Reich MS, Pokorny L, Bataille CP, Vila R, Domingo-Marimon C#, Talavera G#. (2022). Erratic spatio-temporal vegetation growth anomalies drive population outbreaks in a trans-Saharan insect migrant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 119 (19) e2121249119. [Link] (*co-first authors) 42) Schär S, Talavera G, Rana JD, Espadaler X, Cover SP, Shattuck SO, Vila R. (2022). Integrative taxonomy reveals cryptic diversity in North American Lasius ants, and an overlooked introduced species. 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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 148: 106817 [Link] 33) Menchetti M, Guéguen M, Talavera G (2019). Spatiotemporal niche modelling of multigenerational insect migrations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286:1910. [Link] 32) Platania L, Voda R, Dinca V, Talavera G, Vila R, Dapporto L (2020). Integrative analyses on Western Palearctic Lasiommata reveal a mosaic of nascent butterfly species. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58(4): 809-822 [Link] 31) Dapporto L, Cini A, Voda R, Dinca V, Wiemers M, Menchetti M, Magini G, Talavera G, Shreeve T, Bonelli S, Casacco LP, Balletto E, Scalercio S, Vila R (2019). Integrating three comprehensive datasets shows that mitochondrial DNA variation is linked to species traits and paleogeographical events in European butterflies. Molecular Ecology Resources. 19(6): 1623-1636 [Link] 30) Ryan SF, Lombaert E, Espeset A, Vila R, Talavera G, Dinca V, Renshaw MA, Eng MW, Doellman MM, Hornett EA, Li Y, Pfrender ME, Shoemaker D (2019). Global invasion history of the world's most abundant pest butterfly: a citizen science population genomics study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 116(40), 20015-20024 [Link] 29) Schär S, Eastwood R, Arnaldi KG, Talavera G, Kaliszewska A, Boyle JH, Espeland M, Nash NR, Vila R, Pierce NE (2018). Ecological specialisation is widely associated with genetic structure in the ant-associated butterfly family Lycaenidae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 12:285 [Link] 28) Suchan T*, Talavera G*, Sáez L, Ronikier M, Vila R (2018). Pollen metabarcoding as a tool for tracking long-distance insect migration. Molecular Ecology Resources. 19(1):149-162 [Link] (* co-first authors) 27) Talavera G*, Bataille C*, Benyamini D, Gascoigne-Pees M, Vila R (2018). Round-trip across the Sahara: Afrotropical Painted Lady butterflies recolonize the Mediterranean in early spring. Biology Letters. 14:20180274 [Link] (* co-first authors) 26) Schär S*, Talavera G*, Espadaler X, Rana JR, Cover SP, Vila R (2018). Do Holarctic ant species exist? Trans-Beringian dispersal and homoplasy in the Formicidae. Journal of Biogeography 12:285 [Link] (* co-first authors) 25) Espeland M, Breinholt J, Willmott KR, Warren AD, Vila R, Toussaint EFA, Maunsell, SC, Aduse-Poku K, Talavera G, Eastwood R, Jarzyna M, Ries L, Guralnick R, Lohman D, Pierce NE, Kawahara A (2018). Comprehensive higher-level phylogeny of butterflies (Papilionoidea) inferred from genomic data. Current Biology. 28(5): 770-778. 24) Gilbert KJ, Nitta JH, Talavera G, Pierce NE (2017). Keeping an eye on coloration: ecological correlates of the evolution of pitcher traits in the genus Nepenthes (Caryophyllales). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 123 (2):321-337 23) Dincă, V., Talavera, G., Vila, R. (2017) First record of Euchloe tagis (Hübner, 1804) in the province of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) based on morphology and DNA data (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Lepidopterologia, 107: 7-15. 22) Talavera G, Vila R (2016). Discovery of mass migration and breeding of the painted lady butterfly Vanessa cardui in the Sub-Sahara: the Europe-Africa migration revisited. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12873 [Link] [PDF] 21) Stefanescu C, Soto DX, Talavera G, Vila R, Hobson K (2016). Long-distance autumn migration across the Sahara by painted lady butterflies: exploiting resource pulses in the tropical savannah. Biology Letters. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0561 [Link] 20) Hernández-Roldán JL, Dapporto L, Dinca V, Vicente JC, Hornett EA, Šichová J, Lukhtanov V, Talavera G, Vila R. (2016). Integrative analyses unveil speciation linked to host plant shift in Spialia butterflies. Molecular Ecology 25: 4267–4284. [Link] [PDF] 19) Talavera G, Kaminski LA, Freitas AVL, Vila R (2015). One note samba: biogeographical history of the relict Brazilian butterfly Elkalyce cogina. Journal of Biogeography 43 (4): 727-737 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 18) Dinca V, Backström N, Dapporto L, Friberg M, García-Barros E, Hebert PDN, Hernández-Roldán J, Hornett E, Lukhtanov V, Marec F, Montagud S, Munguira ML, Olofsson M, Sichova J, Talavera G, Vicente-Arranz V, Vila R, Wiklund C (2015). DNA barcodes highlight unique research models in European butterflies. Genome 58:391. [Link] 17) Espeland M, Hall JP, DeVries PJ, Lees DC, Cornwall M, Hsu YF, Campbell DL, Talavera G, Vila R, Salzman S, Ruehr S, Lohman DJ, Pierce NE (2015). Ancient Neotropical origin and recent recolonisation: Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification of the Riodinidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 93:296-306 [Link] 16) Dinca V, Montagud S, Talavera G, Hernández-Roldán J, Munguira M, García-Barros E, Hebert P, Vila R (2015) DNA barcode reference for Iberian butterflies enables a continental-scale preview of potential cryptic diversity. Scientific Reports 5, 12395 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 15) Kaliszewska ZA, Lohman DJ, Sommer K, Adelson G, Rand DB, Mathew J, Talavera G, Pierce NE (2015) When caterpillars attack: biogeography and life history evolution of the Miletinae (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Evolution 69(3):571-588 [Link] 14) Talavera G, Espadaler X, Vila R (2014). Discovered just before extinction? The first endemic ant species from the Balearic islands (Lasius balearicus) endangered by climate change. Journal of Biogeography 42(3):589-601 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 13) Talavera G, Lukthanov VA, Rieppel L, Pierce NE, Vila R (2013). In the shadow of phylogenetic uncertainty: the recent diversification of the Lysandra butterflies through chromosomal change. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69(3):469-478 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 12) Talavera G, Dinca V, Vila R (2013). Factors affecting species delimitations with the GMYC model: insights from a butterfly survey. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(12):1101-1110 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 11) Dapporto L, Ramazzotti M, Fattorini S, Talavera G, Vila R, Dennis RLH (2013). recluster: an unbiased clustering procedure for beta-diversity turnover. Ecography 36(10):1070-1075 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 10) Sañudo-Restrepo CP, Dinca V, Talavera G, Vila R (2013). Biogeography and systematics of Aricia butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:369-379 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 9) Talavera G, Lukthanov VA, Pierce NE, Vila R. (2013). Establishing criteria for higher level taxonomic classification using molecular data: the systematics of Polyommatus blue butterflies (Lepidoptera,Lycaenidae). Cladistics 29:166-192 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 8) Talavera G, Vila R. (2011). What is the phylogenetic signal limit from mitogenomes? The reconciliation between mitochondrial and nuclear data in the Insecta Class phylogeny. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:315 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] #HighlyAccessed 7) Hernandez‐Roldán JL, Múrria C, Romo H, Talavera G, Zakharov E, Hebert PDN, Vila R. (2011). Tracing the origin of disjunct distributions: a case of biogeographical convergence in Pyrgus butterflies. Journal of Biogeography 30(10): 2006‐2020 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 6) Dinca V, Lukhtanov VA, Talavera G, Vila R. (2011). Unexpected layers of cryptic diversity in wood white Leptidea butterflies. Nature Communications 2:324 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 5) Lukhtanov VA, Dinca V, Talavera G, Vila R. (2011). Unprecedented within species chromosome number cline in the Wood White butterfly, Leptidea sinapis, and its significance for karyotype evolution and speciation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:109 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] #HighlyAccessed #OpenAccess 4) Sáez L, Talavera, G. (2010). Redescubrimiento de Woodsia pulchella en el macizo de Pedraforca: la compleja evaluación de la escalada clásica sobre la población de una especie amenazada. Conservación Vegetal 14, 21-23 [Link] [PDF] 3) Vila R, Lukhtanov VA, Talavera G, Gil‐T F, Pierce NE. (2010). How common are dot-like distribution ranges? Taxonomical oversplitting in Western European Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) revealed by chromosomal and molecular markers. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 101:1(130-154) [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 2) Soria‐Carrasco V, Talavera G, Igea J, Castresana J. (2007). The K tree score: quantification of differences in the relative branch length and topology of phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 23, 2954‐2956 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] 1) Talavera G, Castresana J. (2007). Improvement of phylogenies after removing divergent and ambiguously aligned blocks from protein sequence alignments. Systematic Biology 56, 564‐577 [Link] [PDF] [Supp] Copyright G. Talavera © 2015. All Rights Reserved |